The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Derin Venöz Reflünün Eşlik Ettiği Variköz Ven Cerrahisinde Safen Stripingin Etkileri

Yazarlar: Nevzat ERDİL, Mehmet Cengiz ÇOLAK, Fulya ERBAŞ, Barış AKÇA, Hasan Berat CİHAN, Bektaş BATTALOĞLU

Cilt 20 , Sayı 2 , 2011 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Deep venous reflux,Saphenous vein stripping,Varicosity surgery

Özet: Objective: In this study, we aimed to study the effectiveness of Saphenous vein strip- ping procedure and early period results in patients with varicose veins who have light and mode- rate deep venosus reflux. Material and Methods: Between March 2006-October 2009, 202 patients underwent Saphenous vein stripping surgery. 68 of them had preoperatively determined deep venous reflux. In these patients mean age was 42 ± 1.5 and 67.6% of them were male. Control doppler ultrasonography were applied to 15 of patients postoperatively after 7.8 ± 3.9 months. Results: Average hospital stay was 1 day, only 3 patients stayed more than 1 day because of headache, eme- sis, weakness complaints caused by spinal anesthesia. There was not any operative mortality. At none of these patients, complications such as bleeding, hematoma and infection were seen. In 68.8% of patients, deep venous reflux disappeared. Conclusion: The elimination of reflux and pathologies in the superficial venous system in patients with varicose veins accompanied by deep venous reflux has a corrective effect on the deep venous system. Saphenous vein stripping can be applied sa- fely and with low morbidity. Clinical relief were achieved postoperatively. Deep venosus reflux disappeared at great majority of patients. Long-term follow-up of our patients continues.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2011, title={Derin Venöz Reflünün Eşlik Ettiği Variköz Ven Cerrahisinde Safen Stripingin Etkileri}, volume={20}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Nevzat ERDİL, Mehmet Cengiz ÇOLAK, Fulya ERBAŞ, Barış AKÇA, Hasan Berat CİHAN, Bektaş BATTALOĞLU}, year={2011} }
Nevzat ERDİL, Mehmet Cengiz ÇOLAK, Fulya ERBAŞ, Barış AKÇA, Hasan Berat CİHAN, Bektaş BATTALOĞLU. (2011). Derin Venöz Reflünün Eşlik Ettiği Variköz Ven Cerrahisinde Safen Stripingin Etkileri (Vol. 20). Vol. 20. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Nevzat ERDİL, Mehmet Cengiz ÇOLAK, Fulya ERBAŞ, Barış AKÇA, Hasan Berat CİHAN, Bektaş BATTALOĞLU. Derin Venöz Reflünün Eşlik Ettiği Variköz Ven Cerrahisinde Safen Stripingin Etkileri. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2011.