The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

İzole Venöz Yaralanmalarda Cerrahi Deneyimlerimiz

Yazarlar: Volkan YÜKSEL, Serhat HÜSEYİN, Mustafa Burak SAYHAN, Turan EGE

Cilt 21 , Sayı 1 , 2012 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Vascular system injuries; venous thrombosis; complications; etiology

Özet: Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate retrospectively the results of patients operated for venous repair with different techniques for isolated venous injuries. Material and Methods: From January 2006 to January 2011, 29 patients with isolated venous injury were operated and their results were reported. Results: 21 (72.4%) were male and 8 (27.6%) were female with a mean age of 40.5±12.1. 13 (44.9%) were injured by iatrogenic causes, 9 (31%) patients were injured by stab wound, 5 (17.2%) were injured by blunt trauma, and 2 (6.9%) were injured by gunshot. Among the isolated vein injuries, 14 of them were inferior vena cava injuri- es, 6 patients with iliac vein injury, 3 patients with axillary vein injury, 2 patients with brachial vein injury, 2 patients with femoral vein injury and 2 patients with popliteal vein injury. End to end anastomosis, primary repair, and saphenous vein interposition or graft interposition techniques were performed if the vascular structures are appropriate and ligation technique was used if not available for repair. All patients were examined by color doppler ultrasonography postoperatively. 2 patients developed deep venous thrombosis (6.9%). Prophylactic fasciotomy was performed in 1 patient with gunshot. Mortality was in 1 (3.4%) patient due to sepsis. Conclusion: Isolated venous injuries are not as easy to diagnose and operate as arterial injuries. Ligation may shorten the operation time with a quick bleeding control, but venous injuries should be repaired if possible. These surgical procedures can be performed with low morbidity and morta- lity.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2012, title={İzole Venöz Yaralanmalarda Cerrahi Deneyimlerimiz}, volume={21}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Volkan YÜKSEL, Serhat HÜSEYİN, Mustafa Burak SAYHAN, Turan EGE}, year={2012} }
Volkan YÜKSEL, Serhat HÜSEYİN, Mustafa Burak SAYHAN, Turan EGE. (2012). İzole Venöz Yaralanmalarda Cerrahi Deneyimlerimiz (Vol. 21). Vol. 21. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Volkan YÜKSEL, Serhat HÜSEYİN, Mustafa Burak SAYHAN, Turan EGE. İzole Venöz Yaralanmalarda Cerrahi Deneyimlerimiz. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2012.