The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Sekonder Arteriovenöz Fistülde Kısa Segment Politetrafloroetilen Greft İnterpozisyonu

Yazarlar: Orhan BOZOĞLAN, Bülent MEŞE, Erdinç EROĞLU, Murat ARI, Kemalettin ERDEM

Cilt 22 , Sayı 1 , 2013 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Hemodialisis; arteriovenous fistule; polytetrafluoroethylene

Özet: There is an increase in number of patients receiving hemodialisis treatment in our country similar to all over the world. First vascular choice for hemodialisis cateterization is otogenic arteriovenous fistula.There is a need for a bridging graft between radial artery and cefalic venous fistulization, while using upper segments for fistulization, for sparing nondominant arm's cefalic venous vessel in those patients. We aim to represent a patient with bridging graft of polytetrafluo- roethylene.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2013, title={Sekonder Arteriovenöz Fistülde Kısa Segment Politetrafloroetilen Greft İnterpozisyonu}, volume={22}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Orhan BOZOĞLAN,  Bülent MEŞE, Erdinç EROĞLU, Murat ARI, Kemalettin ERDEM}, year={2013} }
Orhan BOZOĞLAN,  Bülent MEŞE, Erdinç EROĞLU, Murat ARI, Kemalettin ERDEM. (2013). Sekonder Arteriovenöz Fistülde Kısa Segment Politetrafloroetilen Greft İnterpozisyonu (Vol. 22). Vol. 22. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Orhan BOZOĞLAN,  Bülent MEŞE, Erdinç EROĞLU, Murat ARI, Kemalettin ERDEM. Sekonder Arteriovenöz Fistülde Kısa Segment Politetrafloroetilen Greft İnterpozisyonu. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2013.