The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Patlayıcı Yaralanması Sonrası Küçük Bir Taşa Bağlı Gelişen Arteryal Emboli

Yazarlar: Muharrem ÖZTAŞ, Demir ÇETİNTAŞ, Hakan EMİRKADI, Selim TÜRKKAN, Halis Atıl ATİLLA, Gökhan YAĞCI

Cilt 22 , Sayı 1 , 2013 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Explosions; foreign bodies; embolism; popliteal artery; vascular system injuries

Özet: Trauma after explosion causes vascular injury through direct effects, cavitation effect or result of damage of bone fractures. Vascular obstructive lesions may also occur due to this kind of injuries through a retraction, spasm or thrombosis after blunt trauma. In this article, we present a patient developed arterial occlusion due to foreign body embolism. The patient with injury to superficial femoral artery and vein at the right lower extremity as a result of injury of fragmented bomb was operated following the first intervention. Intraarterial mass which caused deformation and obstruction in artery was detected at infrapopliteal level, although there was no injury in this region. The mass was a small piece of stone that caused an obstruction at arterial flow which was detected following arteriotomy. In this sense, as in our case, the intra-arterial migration of a stone is rare, perhaps the only example in the literature. As a result, vascular occlusions due to intravascular foreign bodies should be considered in case of accompanied multiple shrapnel with injury of fragmentation bomb.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

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Muharrem ÖZTAŞ, Demir ÇETİNTAŞ, Hakan EMİRKADI, Selim TÜRKKAN, Halis Atıl ATİLLA, Gökhan YAĞCI. (2013). Patlayıcı Yaralanması Sonrası Küçük Bir Taşa Bağlı Gelişen Arteryal Emboli (Vol. 22). Vol. 22. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Muharrem ÖZTAŞ, Demir ÇETİNTAŞ, Hakan EMİRKADI, Selim TÜRKKAN, Halis Atıl ATİLLA, Gökhan YAĞCI. Patlayıcı Yaralanması Sonrası Küçük Bir Taşa Bağlı Gelişen Arteryal Emboli. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2013.