The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Negative PressureWound Therapy in Groin Lymphorrhea is not Suitable for Patients Under Hemodialysis: Case Report

Yazarlar: Erkan KAYA, Doğan ALHAN, Kubilay KARABACAK, Murat KADAN, Faruk CİNGÖZ

Cilt 22 , Sayı 1 , 2013 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Lymphocele; renal dialysis; negative pressure wound therapy

Özet: Lymphorrhea is a common and serious complication of surgery in patients with vascular disorders. There is no consensus on the most effective treatment modality for groin lymphorrhea. A 57-year old male on hemodialysis for nine years admitted to our clinic with a large hematoma in the right femoral region after coronary angiography procedure. It was drained in another center many times, and the skin was primarily closed after the last procedure. When the nature and characteristics of drained fluid was examined, it was found like the content of a lymphocel. Negative pressure wound therapy (NWPT) was initiated after surgical debridement, due to the persistence of the lymphorrea even with hard compressive dressings. There was a minimal decrease in the amount of lymphatic drainage while a serious decrease in blood albumin levels after NPWT. Afterall, NPWT was terminated and injured lymphatics were ligated with a re-exploration. The amount of drainage decreased postoperatively and the patient was discharged after 7 days.We suppose that chronic disorders may be a relative contraindication for NPWT, so that early surgical procedures should be kept in mind.

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@article{2013, title={Negative PressureWound Therapy in Groin Lymphorrhea is not Suitable for Patients Under Hemodialysis: Case Report}, volume={22}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Erkan KAYA, Doğan ALHAN, Kubilay KARABACAK, Murat KADAN, Faruk CİNGÖZ}, year={2013} }
Erkan KAYA, Doğan ALHAN, Kubilay KARABACAK, Murat KADAN, Faruk CİNGÖZ. (2013). Negative PressureWound Therapy in Groin Lymphorrhea is not Suitable for Patients Under Hemodialysis: Case Report (Vol. 22). Vol. 22. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Erkan KAYA, Doğan ALHAN, Kubilay KARABACAK, Murat KADAN, Faruk CİNGÖZ. Negative PressureWound Therapy in Groin Lymphorrhea Is Not Suitable for Patients Under Hemodialysis: Case Report. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2013.