The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Mortality After Elective Vascular Surgery: Reality We Don't Talk About

Yazarlar: Serhat HÜSEYİN, Volkan YÜKSEL, Ümit HALICI, Gönül SAĞIROĞLU, Selami GÜRKAN, Özcan GÜR, Ahmet OKYAY, Suat CANBAZ, Turan EGE, Hasan SUNAR

Cilt 23 , Sayı 1 , 2014 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Peripheral arterial disease; vascular surgical procedures; risk factors; mortality

Özet: Objective: Peripheral arterial disease is a progressive and systemic disease with a 30-day mor- tality rate between 2-8.5%. In this study, we aimed to investigate the causes of mortality after elective vas- cular surgery in our clinic. Material and Methods: Between January 2006 and December 2012, 864 patients underwent elective vascular surgery for peripheral artery disease in our clinic. Patients under 18 years of age, trauma patients and the emergent cases undergoing vascular surgery were excluded. Demographic characteristics of the patients, preoperative and operative risk factors, comorbidities associated with systemic diseases, operations, postoperative length of stay in the intensive care unit and mortality causes were examined. Results: Twenty of 864 patients died (2.3%); 19 males (95%) and 1 female (5%). All patients were operated under general anesthesia, under elective conditions. Mortalities were due to cardiac complications (low cardiac output syndrome, arrhythmia, postoperative myocardial infarction) in 7 pa- tients (35%), multiple organ failure in 3 patients (15%), pulmonary complications (pneumonia the ventilator be separated) in 3 patients (15%), gastrointestinal tract complications (acute mesenteric ischemia, gastrointestinal bleeding) in 3 patients (15%), sepsis in 1 patient (5%), disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in 1 patient (5%), neurological problems (postoperative cerebrovascular accident) in 1 patient (5%) and perioperative malignant hyperthermia in 1 patient (5%). Conclusion: A detailed evaluation of cardiac and other systems in patients undergoing elective vascular surgery is crucial for minimizing risk factors especially related to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

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Serhat HÜSEYİN, Volkan YÜKSEL, Ümit HALICI, Gönül SAĞIROĞLU, Selami GÜRKAN, Özcan GÜR, Ahmet OKYAY, Suat CANBAZ, Turan EGE, Hasan SUNAR. (2014). Mortality After Elective Vascular Surgery: Reality We Don’t Talk About (Vol. 23). Vol. 23. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Serhat HÜSEYİN, Volkan YÜKSEL, Ümit HALICI, Gönül SAĞIROĞLU, Selami GÜRKAN, Özcan GÜR, Ahmet OKYAY, Suat CANBAZ, Turan EGE, Hasan SUNAR. Mortality After Elective Vascular Surgery: Reality We Don’t Talk About. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2014.