The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Our Preliminary Experience and Short Term Results in Endovascular Treatment of Aortic Lesions

Yazarlar: Celalettin KARATEPE, Celalettin DAĞLI, Hanefi BAYAROĞULLARI, Ayşe OĞUZHAN AKKOCA, Cem LALE, Onur GÖKSEL

Cilt 23 , Sayı 1 , 2014 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Aortic dissection; aortic aneurysm; endovascular aorta repair

Özet: Objective: In this study, we aimed to present our preliminary experience and 6 month fol- low up results in patients who underwent endovacular aorta repair for thoracic and abdominal aortic pathologies. Material and Methods: Fourteen patients who underwent endovascular aorta repair (13 men, 1 woman; mean age 68.43±9.89 years) between January 2012- April 2013 were analyzed retro- spectively. Nine of patients had endovascular abdominal aorta repair, 5 of them had endovascular tho- racic aorta repair. All patients had computerized tomography with contrast in the first and sixth months. Results: One of the patients had diabetes mellitus, 5 had hypertension, 2 had aorta coronary bypass graft operation, 2 had chronic obstructive lung disease, 2 had malignancy, 1 had abdominal sur- gery, 2 had chronic renal insufficiency and 4 patients were smokers. The success of intervention was 100%.There were no major complications or need for an open surgery. None of the patients died due to graft infection or aneurysm rupture. Conclusion: Endovascular aortic repair is one of the preferred procedures in high risk cases (advanced age, comorbidities, history of abdominal surgery). This method has low mortality and morbidity ratios, can be performed safely in these patients, has a short hospi- tal stay, short anesthesia duration and high technical success. We suppose that, when performed in correct indications, it causes less harm to the patients, it is easier an less risky for the surgeon compared to open surgery, and it takes a shorter time. For more precise results, a larger study population and a longer follow-up period are needed.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2014, title={Our Preliminary Experience and Short Term Results in Endovascular Treatment of Aortic Lesions}, volume={23}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Celalettin KARATEPE, Celalettin DAĞLI, Hanefi BAYAROĞULLARI, Ayşe OĞUZHAN AKKOCA, Cem LALE, Onur GÖKSEL}, year={2014} }
Celalettin KARATEPE, Celalettin DAĞLI, Hanefi BAYAROĞULLARI, Ayşe OĞUZHAN AKKOCA, Cem LALE, Onur GÖKSEL. (2014). Our Preliminary Experience and Short Term Results in Endovascular Treatment of Aortic Lesions (Vol. 23). Vol. 23. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Celalettin KARATEPE, Celalettin DAĞLI, Hanefi BAYAROĞULLARI, Ayşe OĞUZHAN AKKOCA, Cem LALE, Onur GÖKSEL. Our Preliminary Experience and Short Term Results in Endovascular Treatment of Aortic Lesions. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2014.