The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Aort Cerrahisinde Sağ Proksimal Brakiyal Arter Kanülasyonuna Bağlı Lokal Komplikasyonlar

Yazarlar: Anıl ÖZEN, Emre KUBAT, Aytaç ÇALIŞKAN, Ertekin Utku ÜNAL, Çetin Murat SONGUR, Erman Süreyya KİRİŞ, Başak SORAN TÜRKCAN, Ayşen AKSÖYEK, Ahmet SARITAŞ

Cilt 24 , Sayı 2 , 2015 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Brachial artery; complication; aortic aneurysm

Özet: Objective: This study aimed to analyze the types and frequencies of the complications observed after right proximal brachial artery cannulation in aortic surgery. Material and Methods: The data of 273 patients (153 males, 120 females; mean age 53.5 ± 11.6 years) who has ascending aorta and aortic arch procedures with antegrade cerebral perfusion by means of proximal brachial artery cannulation in our hospital between January 2000 and August 2010 were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The complications associated with proximal brachial artery cannulation were observed in 21 patients (7.6%). Of those complications, 14 (5.1%) were neurologic and 7 (2.6%) were vascular. The neurologic complications were paresthesia and paresis in the right hand. Clinical improvement was achieved in all patients within 6 months. One patient had mild paresthesia. As vascular complications, thromboembolism was observed in three patients, vascular damage in three patients, and thromboembolism and vascular damage in one patient. Conclusion: This observational study indicated that right proximal brachial artery cannulation, with its low complication and low long-term morbidity rates, is a safe method.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2015, title={Aort Cerrahisinde Sağ Proksimal Brakiyal Arter Kanülasyonuna Bağlı Lokal Komplikasyonlar}, volume={24}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Anıl ÖZEN, Emre KUBAT, Aytaç ÇALIŞKAN, Ertekin Utku ÜNAL, Çetin Murat SONGUR, Erman Süreyya KİRİŞ, Başak SORAN TÜRKCAN, Ayşen AKSÖYEK, Ahmet SARITAŞ}, year={2015} }
Anıl ÖZEN, Emre KUBAT, Aytaç ÇALIŞKAN, Ertekin Utku ÜNAL, Çetin Murat SONGUR, Erman Süreyya KİRİŞ, Başak SORAN TÜRKCAN, Ayşen AKSÖYEK, Ahmet SARITAŞ. (2015). Aort Cerrahisinde Sağ Proksimal Brakiyal Arter Kanülasyonuna Bağlı Lokal Komplikasyonlar (Vol. 24). Vol. 24. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Anıl ÖZEN, Emre KUBAT, Aytaç ÇALIŞKAN, Ertekin Utku ÜNAL, Çetin Murat SONGUR, Erman Süreyya KİRİŞ, Başak SORAN TÜRKCAN, Ayşen AKSÖYEK, Ahmet SARITAŞ. Aort Cerrahisinde Sağ Proksimal Brakiyal Arter Kanülasyonuna Bağlı Lokal Komplikasyonlar. no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2015.