The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery

Infragenicular femoral popliteal bypass in a nonagenarian: Doctor, I am too old to live without my leg!

Yazarlar: Hamit Serdar Başbuğ, Yalçın Günerhan, Hakan Göçer, Kanat Özışık

Cilt 27 , Sayı 2 , 2018 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Arterial occlusive disease; elderly; limb salvage

Özet: Peripheral artery disease (PAD) and intermittent claudication (IC) may be difficult to diagnose in elderly patients, as these patients are relatively immobile. Those elder patients without any previous history are often admitted to the emergency departments with sudden-onset critical limb ischemia (CLI) symptoms. Radiological tests in the emergency department may sometimes be suboptimal or interpreted incorrectly. Consideration of metabolic complications that may occur during the long revascularization period may also result in easier sacrifice of the extremity. A nonagenarian female patient was admitted to the emergency department with CLI, and the absence of the distal popliteal run-off was observed on computed tomography angiography. Her limb was salvaged upon a surprisingly strong intention for revascularization, as she did not give her consent for amputation. This case report highlights that the radiological findings should not always be credited, particularly in the emergency setting.

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@article{2018, title={Infragenicular femoral popliteal bypass in a nonagenarian: Doctor, I am too old to live without my leg!}, volume={27}, number={0}, publisher={The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery}, author={Hamit Serdar Başbuğ, Yalçın Günerhan, Hakan Göçer, Kanat Özışık}, year={2018} }
Hamit Serdar Başbuğ, Yalçın Günerhan, Hakan Göçer, Kanat Özışık. (2018). Infragenicular femoral popliteal bypass in a nonagenarian: Doctor, I am too old to live without my leg! (Vol. 27). Vol. 27. The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery.
Hamit Serdar Başbuğ, Yalçın Günerhan, Hakan Göçer, Kanat Özışık. Infragenicular Femoral Popliteal Bypass in a Nonagenarian: Doctor, I Am Too Old to Live without My Leg! no. 0, The Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2018.