International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science
Yazarlar: Wahyuniati Hamid, La Ode Anto, Nasrul Nasrul
Anahtar Kelimeler:Alternative Capacity,Consumer Innovativeness,Value Attractiveness,Sharia Banking
Özet: The study attempts to shed light on factors driving people to turn to sharia banks. The study focuses on consumer innovativeness with alternative capacity and value attractiveness as antecedents. The respondents are sharia banking consumers in Makassar. The sample size follows Malhotra 2007 formula. Respondents are reached through on-line interaction and offline contact on the spot of sharia banks. It applies the PLS tool for data analysis. It conceives that alternative seeking and innovativeness have significant effects on consumer innovativeness and desire to try the transactions with sharia banking, and consumer innovativeness has a significant effect on the desire to try the transactions with sharia banks. In this way, it explores the mediating role of consumer innovativeness in the relationship between alternative capacity and desire and that between value attractiveness and desire. Thus, the study has several novelties. It brings up new constructs such as alternative capacity, value attractiveness, and desire to try the transactions with sharia banking. The results would be that consumer innovativeness serves as a partial mediator in the relationship between alternative capacity and the desire, and a full mediator in that between value attractiveness and the desire.