Journal of Scientific Research in Medical and Biological Sciences
Yazarlar: Venkatesh Hange
Anahtar Kelimeler:Lower Lip Cancer,Squamous Cell Carcinoma,Differential Diagnosis,Elective Neck Dissection,Mimicking Lesion.
Özet: Carcinoma of lip develops due to formation of malignant cells in the lips and it is the most common site for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in the head and neck region. Oral cavity is among top five leading sites of cancer, regardless of gender distribution across India. Squamous cell carcinoma of lip occurs at myriad locations along the upper or lower lip or commissure of lip, but majority (80% to 95%) of cases are seen on the lower lip region. Majority of oral cavity carcinoma cases (> 90%) are seen in patients above the age of 45, having a male predilection in distribution. Lesions that includes up to one third of the lower lip are typically treated with V-type or W-type excisions. Lesions affecting between one to two thirds of the lower lip are typically treated by regional flaps of Abbe or Estlander. Larger lesions involving more than two thirds of the lower lip are treated with Bernard flap for middle lesions and nasolabial transpositional flap for lateral lesions. Alternatively, definitive radiotherapy can be used for local control of early-stage epithelial malignancies of the lips such as basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, but usually reserved for selected situations, also side effects of irradiation limits its use. Local resection along with elective SOHND is mandatory for long term survival rate and to avoid substantial worse prognosis. This case report describes an unusual presentation of carcinoma of lip mimicking benign soft tissue swelling.