Istanbul Business Research
Yazarlar: Ali Murat BOYRAZ, Hatice ÖZUTKU
Anahtar Kelimeler:Strategic human resources management,High performance work systems,Organizational performance
Özet: The impact of High Performance Work Systems (HPWS), which is a strategy in Strategic Human Resources Management, on organizational performance was explored with Structural Equality and Structural Regression Modeling on 654 whitecollar employees in the Turkish Banking Sector using cross-sectional data with objective and subjective performance measures. HPWS, as a single factor, has positively affected all the financial performance indicators (ROS, ROA, ROI, BPCI, ROE) except for Net Interest Margin, and affected TOBIN’S Q negatively. All of the 9 sub-applications in HPWS have not affected financial performance indicators. It is observed that some sub-applications have positive effects in line with the literature, but some of them have no effect, or even have negative effect. In this respect, it has been determined that the most effective HPWS application is the Performance Based Compensation. Job and Work Design has a negative effect on financial performance. In the Strategic Human Resources Management literature, it has been determined that the findings supporting the Contingency Approach, rather than the Universalistic Perspective for the HRM-Performance link, has presented a more valid explanation and been prominent.