Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Esra BULUNUZ PALAZ
Anahtar Kelimeler:In vitro,Micropropagation,Plum,Prunus spinosa,Rootstock
Özet: This study was conducted in 2017 in order to work on the impacts of certain auxin, cytokine and phloroglucinol concentrations on propagation and rooting possibilities of SP-2 (Prunus spinosa) in vitro culture conditions. ½ MS nutrient medium and different combinations of IBA (0.1-0.5-1.00 mg L-1), NAA (0.25 mg L-1), BA (0.5-1.00-2.00 mg L-1), Kinetin (0.5-1.00-2.00 mg L-1), Phloroglucinol (30-60-90-120 mg L-1) and MSK-0 (normal ½ MS without any hormone) were used as materials. It was observed at the end of the study that maximum shoot length per explant was at the MSK-7 combination (25.11 mm) and the highest plant multiplication was found as 6 for MSK-10 combinations per explant. In addition, the highest root length was 176.74 mm for the MSK-2 combinations while the highest root number was observed as 2 as per explant for MSK-5 combinations. As a result of this study, while control medium (MSK-0) remained below the distribution, the best rooting value was seen on the material, where MSK-2 and MSK-3 combinations was used. According to the result of this study, Phloroglucinol (PG) had a positive impact in vitro propagation of clonal rootstock candidates SP-2 (P. spinosa).