Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Mardin,Nitrate,Nitrite,Water,Water Quality
Özet: In this study, it was aimed to investigate the presence and levels of nitrate and nitrite in potable water in Mardin. A total of 118 water samples, collected from 64 taps, 41 wells and 13 water tanks within the city center and districts of Mardin, were used in this study. The nitrate and nitrite analyses were performed by spectrophotometric method. The mean value of nitrate levels was found as 2.55±3.58 ppm in 31 (26.27%) and nitrite as 0.032±0.091 ppm in 91 of 118 water samples. The mean values of nitrate and nitrite were 2.49±3.65 ppm and 0.033±0.072 ppm in taps; 2.00±3.09 ppm and 0.035±0.125 ppm in wells; 3.93±4.71 ppm and 0.018±0.017 ppm in tank water respectively. One (0.85%) of analyzed water samples had nitrite level (0.72 ppm) higher than maximum legal limit. There was no statistically significant difference between the samples taken from taps, wells and water tanks for presence of nitrate and nitrite.According to the results of the study, although a general risk was not determined in terms of nitrate and nitrite levels in the water in Mardin, it is thought that monitoring is important for the detection of individual contaminations.