Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Yazarlar: Ayhan YILDIRIM
Anahtar Kelimeler:Alburnoides bipunctatus fasciatis,Reproduction,Sexual maturation,Fecundity
Özet: LIn this study, the age and season of reproduction, and fecundity of Alburnoide bipunctatus fasciatis caught from Oltu Stream between August 1995 and July 1996 were investigated. Both males and females reached at sexual mature at the age of two. In the Oltu Stream, the Alburnoides bipunctatus fasciatis began to spawn at the end of May when water temperature was 16 °C and the spawning continued to the end of the July when water temperature was 25°C. The mean individual and relative fecundity were determined as 13135±1107 eggs/female and 707700±52129 eggs/female respectively. The fecundity-fork length, fecundity-total weight and fecundity-age relationships were calculated as; LogF=1.662+.415LogFL, LogF=2.972+0.898LogW andLogF=3.598+Logt respectively. The gonad weight-total weight and gonad weight-fork length relationships were calculated as TW (Testis Weight)=0.605±0.076xW, TW=-0.996+0.282xFL, OW(Ovaryum Weight)=0.343+0.159xW and W=-2.700+0576xFL respectively. The fecundity-fork length, fecundity-total weight and fecundity-age relationships were calculated as; LogF=1.662+.415LgFL, LogF=2.972+0.898LogW and LogF=3.598+Logt respectively. The gonad weigh-total weight and gonad weight-fork length relationships were calculated as TW (Testis Weight)=0.605+0.076xW, TW=-0.996+0.282xFL, OW (Ovaryum Weight)=0.343+0.159xW and OW=-2.700+0.576xFL respectively. In order to maintain the population in equilibrium, it is of great importance to give each fish the chance of reproduction at least once in its life time and therefore the minimum fishing size should be 11.58 (FL) cm. Fishing is recommended to be prohibited during the spawning season which extend between May and August also taking the water temperature into consideration.