Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Yazarlar: S. Serap TÜRKÜTANIT
Anahtar Kelimeler:Goose,Lung,Aspergillosis.
Özet: Pulmonary aspergillosis were examinated in a total of 22 geese (2-13 week-old), brought from A Geese Production Station in Kars and geese breeders. The lesions were seen as a hard nodules in all cases in the lungs, and also in 3 cases in the air sacs. They were multifocalty localized in each lobules, and 1-4 mm. in diameter and yellow in color. The lesions were characterized by granulomatous pneumonie and airsacculitis. The characteristic hyphae of Aspergillus spp. were demonstrated in granuloma in histopathological sections stained by periodic acid Schiff stain.