Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Yazarlar: Abdurrahman GÜL, Serdar DEĞER, Erol AYAZ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Horse,Donkey,Helminth,Turkey
Özet: The faeces of 464 horses and 110 donkeys were cOllected and examined by the flotation, sedimentation and Baermenn-Wetzel methods in a parasitology laboratory. The examinations showed that 327 of 464 (70.5%) horses and 85 of 110 (77.3%) donkeys were infected with the following species: in horses, Strongylidae sp. 62.7%, Strongyloides westeri 5.8%, Parascaris equorum 3.2%, Anoplocephalidae sp. 2.4 %, Fasciola hepatica 0.9%, Oxyuris equi 0.6%, and Paranoplocephala mamillana 0.2%; and in donkeys; Strongylidae sp. 72.7%, Strongyloides westeri 13.6%, Parascaris equorum 2.7%, Fasciola hepatica 0.9%, Oxyuris equi 0.9% and Dicrocoelium dendriticum 0.9%.
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