Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Yazarlar: Ali TÜRKER
Anahtar Kelimeler:Turbot,Psetta maeotica,Photoperiod,Growth,Feed utilization
Özet: The effects of 4 different experimental photoperiod regimes, LDN (natural photoperiod), LD24:0 (24 h light:0 h dark), LD12:12 (12 h light:12 h dark) and LD0:24 (0 h light:24 h dark), on feed intake and growth parameters of juvenile turbot (21 ± 2.3 g) in the Black Sea were determined. Growth was highest in the group exposed to the continuous photoperiod (LD24:0), followed by the LD12:12, LDN and LD0:24 groups in descending order. The lowest growth rate was recorded in the LD0:24 group. According to the results obtained, LD24:0 and LD12:12 photoperiod exposures are best for better growth and food conversion in juvenile turbot.