Uluslararası Tarım Araştırmalarında Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar Dergisi
Yazarlar: İrfan Öztürk
Anahtar Kelimeler:Bread wheat,Genotypes,Flag leaf,Yield component
Özet: An experiment was carried out to assess of flag leaf fresh and dry weight of advanced bread wheat genotypes and relation with yield component. A total of 25 bread wheat genotypes were tested during the 2017-2018 cropping cycle in the Trakia region, Turkey. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Data on grain yield, flag leaf fresh and dry weight, days of heading, plant height, peduncle length, spike length, spike number per square meter, spikelet number per spike, kernel number per spike, and spike dry weight were investigated. There were significant differences (P<0.01, and P<0.05) among genotypes for grain yield. The mean grain yield was 7172 kg ha-1. The highest grain yields performed by cv Köprü (7781 kg ha-1) while the lowest by G9 (6124 kg ha-1). Ten flag leaf fresh and dry weights of the plant were weighted at heading growth stages (Z55). There were significant differences among genotypes for flag leaf fresh and dry weight. Flag leaf fresh weight was varied among genotypes from 3.25 g to 9.15 g and, the mean was 4.95 g. In the study, ten flag leaf dry weight was varied among genotypes from 1.36 g to 2.37 g and, the mean was 1.71 g. Flag leaf fresh and dry weight positively affected yield component in genotypes. There was a positive significant relation between spike length with flag leaf fresh (r=0.526**) and dry weight (r=0.529**). Flag leaf fresh (r=0.513**) and dry weight (r=0.568**) was also significantly positively associated with spikelet number per spike. Kernel number per spike was slightly significant positively correlated with flag leaf fresh weight (r=0.377) and significantly correlated with flag leaf dry weight (r=0.398*). Flag leaf positively affected and increased spike weight in genotypes and it was found a significant association among flag leaf fresh (r=0.489*) and dry weight (r=0.531**) with spike dry weight. Flag leaf fresh and dry weight was also slightly positively correlated with days of heading. Results showed that flag leaf fresh and dry weight can be used as an indirect selection in bread wheat for yield components under rainfed conditions.