Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Yazarlar: Timur GÜLHAN, Abdulbaki AKSAKAL, İsmail Hakkı EKİN, Serap SAVAŞAN, Banur BOYNUKARA
Anahtar Kelimeler:Enterococci,Gelatinase,Aggregation substance,Cytolysin,Haemagglutination
Özet: The virulence factors of 146 Enterococcus faecium and 32 Enterococcus faecalis strains isolated from faecal samples of humans, dogs, and cats were investigated. In total, 178 strains were examined by gelatinase (GelE), aggregation substance (AS), cytolysin, and slide haemagglutination tests. The results of detected virulence factors of E. faecium and E. faecalis strains were: GelE: 17.1% vs. 37.5%; AS: 13% vs. 12.5%; cytolysin: 7.5% vs. 12.5%; haemagglutination activities with rabbit erythrocytes: 9.6% vs. 9.4%; haemagglutination activities with human erythrocytes: 17.1% vs. 21.9%, respectively.
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