![The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences](https://asosindex.com.tr/dergi-img/Neuro_Neurobehavioral.jpg)
The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences
Yazarlar: Ishola Ajibola Abdulrahamon
Anahtar Kelimeler:-
Özet: The exposition of Aflatoxin B1 (AFB) in aggression-intruding behavior in Wistar rat were assessed. Rodents in the experimental group (Group A, n= 6) were orally infused with AFB diluted in dimethylsulfoxide administered 0.3mg/kg/day on days 1 12. Controls received distilled water similarly on days 1-12 days (Group B). For the observation, an intruder was introduced into the cage containing the residents who are experimental rats treated with Aflatoxin and rats in the control treated with distilled water. Records of observations of territorial aggressive behaviours exhibited by the experimental and control rats towards the inntruder were recorded. Each rat was given 3 trials of 5 minutes each. The study utilized the Randomized Blocked TwoWay ANOVA (factors time line × treatment) followed by a post-hoc analysis using Bonferroni correction to analyse the data and Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results demonstrated that exposure to Aflatoxin significantly influenced aggressive behaviour among Wistar rats F (1,322) = 29.89, p < 0.001, η2= .09. Aflatoxin-treated animals significantly exhibited more aggressive behaviour than animals treated with distilled water (Bonferonni= 4.04, p<.001). Exposure time to Aflatoxin interacted with treatment to significantly influence aggressive behaviour among Wistar rats F (1,322) = 3.26, p < 0.001, η2= .10. Mean comparison reveals that there was no significant difference in aggressive behaviour of Aflatoxin treated and the distilled water treated rats from day 1-7. However, significant differences was observed from the 8th day onward to the 12th day. Aggressive behaviour increased by 10% as the chronic exposure increase more than seven days. It was concluded that aflatoxin induced toxicity in rodents influenced aggression as it exacerbates neuro-cognitive decline and brain bio-chemicals distortions leading to aggression behavior.