Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

A macroanatomical study of the arcus aortae in the fox (Vulpes vulpes)

Yazarlar: Emine KARAKURUM, Özcan ÖZGEL

Cilt 37 , Sayı 6 , 2013 , Sayfalar 672 - 674



Anahtar Kelimeler:Key words: Arcus aortae,Fox

Özet: The present study was aimed at the investigation of the anatomy of the arcus aortae in 5 adult female foxes. It was determined that 2 main arteries, namely the truncus brachiocephalicus and arteria subclavia sinistra, originated from the fifth intercostal space at the arcus aortae. It was ascertained that, firstly, the arteria carotis communis sinistra stemmed from the truncus brachiocephalicus, and the continuation of the artery bifurcated into the arteria subclavia dextra and arteria carotis communis dextra. The first branch, which had its origin at the arteria subclavia sinistra, was the arteria vertebralis. Further along its course, the artery gave off the truncus costocervicalis, arteria thoracica interna, and arteria cervicalis superficialis. It was observed that the arteria subclavia dextra gave off the same branches with the arteria subclavia sinistra. Both arteriae subclaviae, after giving off the branches described above, left the thoracic cavity as the arteria axillaris. The results of the present study are expected to contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of anatomy.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2013, title={A macroanatomical study of the arcus aortae in the fox (Vulpes vulpes)}, volume={37}, number={6}, publisher={Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences}, author={Emine KARAKURUM,Özcan ÖZGEL}, year={2013}, pages={672–674} }
Emine KARAKURUM,Özcan ÖZGEL. (2013). A macroanatomical study of the arcus aortae in the fox (Vulpes vulpes) (Vol. 37, pp. 672–674). Vol. 37, pp. 672–674. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.
Emine KARAKURUM,Özcan ÖZGEL. A Macroanatomical Study of the Arcus Aortae in the Fox (Vulpes Vulpes). no. 6, Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2013, pp. 672–74.