Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Yazarlar: Ahmet Hamdi AKTAŞ, Şükrü DOĞAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Key words: White Karaman ewe,Multiple birth rate,Growth,Survival rate
Özet: This study was performed in order to determine the effect of live weight (LW) and age of Akkaraman ('White Karaman', WK) ewes at mating on the multiple birth rate (MBR), growth traits, and survival rate (SR) of lambs in breeder flocks. In the trial, data of 4452 head of ewes and 5324 head of lambs obtained from 16 WK breeder flocks in Konya Province were used. One week before the mating season ewes were weighed and separated into 5 groups according to their LW. In the research, the differences of MBR, the SR of lambs until days 60 and 120, the birth weight (BW), and the average LWs at days 60 and 120 between the groups were found to be statistically significant. It was determined that the MBR, the SR of lambs, the BW, and the average LWs at days 60 and 120 increased directly proportional to the LW increase of WK ewes at mating. Ewe's age affected MBR significantly and the MBR of ewes of ages 2 and 3 was lower (P < 0.01) than those of other age groups. However, ewe's age did not affect SR up to days 60 and 120, BW, or growth of lambs.
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