Ordu Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Çalışmaları Dergisi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Woman,Violence,News
Özet: Objectives: Most women in the world are exposed to violence at some point in their lives. This issue, which is kept up to date, is also increasing in our country and is becoming a public health problem. The aim of this study is to examine how the phenomenon of violence against women with wide spread public health problem and affecting all societies is handled in the press. Methods: In this research, the news of violence against women in the Hürriyet newspaper, which is the most widely read of the Turkish print media, between 01.05.2019-30.10.2019 has been examined retrospectively. This descriptive research was conducted using the Google search engine via the Internet. The “Data Collection Form” which is prepared by the researchers was used. In this form, “violence”, “violence against women”, “domestic violence”, and “spousal violence” we researched using the keyword and the socio-demographic characteristics of the victims of violence (6 questions) and the perpetrators of violence (5 questions) and 15 questions showing the characteristics of the violence applied (4 questions) were included. In the analysis of data, number, percent age distribution, average and standart deviation were used as descriptive statistical methods. Results: As a result of the screening, 79 newspaper articles were reached. It was found out that the average age of the women who were subjected to violence was 35 and 42 (53%) were married. The average age of the perpetrators was 40 years, 46 (58%) were spouses / lover, 15 (19%) were ex-spouses /ex-lovers, 9 (11%) relatives. When violence tools / methods were examined. It was found that 30 (38%) battered / beaten, 23 (29%) cutting tools, 17 (21%) fire arms were used and 26 (33%) people were killed as a result of violence, 47 (59%) people recovered with treatment. Conclusion: As a result, it is seen that the quality of violence is individual and verbal/physical. It is a remarkable finding to note that as a result of physical violence, the vast majority of women recover with treatment. It should not be ignored that the media, which has a significant impact on society, has a great responsibility for transferring the phenomenon of violence..