Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Treatment with custom partial condyle prosthesis of a comminuted femoral condyle fracture in a dog: a case report

Yazarlar: Kemal ALTUNATMAZ, Ebru Eravci YALIN, Büşra İnal GÜNAY, Defne Joan Şadalak MCKINSTRY, Zeynep Tol SEVİM

Cilt 43 , Sayı 1 , 2019 , Sayfalar 140 - 145


Anahtar Kelimeler:Femoral condyle,Comminuted fracture,Partial knee prosthesis,Dog

Özet: The patient in this case report was a male Golden Retriever dog, approximately 5 years of age, found in woodlands and presenting with an inability to use the right hindlimb. In craniocaudal and mediolateral radiographs taken of the patient, presence of an old comminuted fracture caused by a firearm injury was observed in the right femoral condyle. A custom-made trochlear groove of suitable dimensions for the patient was produced. The patient tip-toed on postoperative day 1 and was seen to be mostly weight-bearing by day 7. The lameness was determined to have lessened to a great extent after 1 month and at the end of 6 months it had completely disappeared. In control radiographs taken 1 year later, no osteoarthritis findings were observed in the knee joint.

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@article{2019, title={Treatment with custom partial condyle prosthesis of a comminuted femoral condyle fracture in a dog: a case report}, volume={43}, number={1}, publisher={Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences}, author={Kemal ALTUNATMAZ,Ebru Eravci YALIN,Büşra İnal GÜNAY,Defne Joan Şadalak MCKINSTRY,Zeynep Tol SEVİM}, year={2019}, pages={140–145} }
Kemal ALTUNATMAZ,Ebru Eravci YALIN,Büşra İnal GÜNAY,Defne Joan Şadalak MCKINSTRY,Zeynep Tol SEVİM. (2019). Treatment with custom partial condyle prosthesis of a comminuted femoral condyle fracture in a dog: a case report (Vol. 43, pp. 140–145). Vol. 43, pp. 140–145. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.
Kemal ALTUNATMAZ,Ebru Eravci YALIN,Büşra İnal GÜNAY,Defne Joan Şadalak MCKINSTRY,Zeynep Tol SEVİM. Treatment with Custom Partial Condyle Prosthesis of a Comminuted Femoral Condyle Fracture in a Dog: A Case Report. no. 1, Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 2019, pp. 140–45.