The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations
Yazarlar: Şennur ÖZDEMİR
Anahtar Kelimeler:Protestant Ethic Thesis,Müslim entrepreneurship,MÜSİAD,Islamic Economy
Özet: This article is composed of a short discussion on the possibility of an Islamic Economy. In doing so, it addresses not only conceptual/theoretical aspects on the base of Weberian Protestant Ethic thesis related to this field but also its socio-economic historical dimensions that contrasts vvith the incompatibility thesis referring to the radical changes experienced vvith the end of colonization period in Islamic countries and Asiatic non-Western ones as vvell as vvell as slovv changes appearing simultaneously in the nature of the so-called Islamic Economy. In this context, some data about MÜSİAD is specifically be depended on. In conclusion, in contrast to the conventional understanding, the study shovvs that the idea of an Islamic Economy -in its compatibility vvith modern conditions and systems- has a base to claim for not only in theory but also in reality.
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