The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations

The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations

Evolving Pragmatism In Indo-Turkish Relations: From Cold War To Post-Cold War Period

Yazarlar: Mujib ALAM

Cilt - , Sayı 38 , 2007 , Sayfalar 130 - 145


Anahtar Kelimeler:India,Turkey,Indo-Turkish Relations,Kashmir Issue,Cyprus Fssue,Trade Relations

Özet: The main objective of this paper is to explicate and underline various facets of India-Turkey relations since India's independence. At the outset it is to note that India's ties vvith the Turkish or Turkic people is very old and historically can be traced back to the first century B.C. from the time of Kushans . We knovv that, the peoples from Central Asia and Altaic regions started migrating in phases from their original homelands tovvards vvestern and southern directions and settled in various regions. A group of people Oğuz Turks , settled on Anatolia/Asia Minör vvho later established the Ottoman Empire and some others like Uzbeks, Chagtai, Ilbari and Qaraunah Turks entered the Indian soil through Afghanistan and established the Sultanate at Delhi 13,h century and later the Mughal Empire 16,h century on Indian Sub-Continent and ruled during the next fevv centuries. There vvere extensive relations betvveen the people of Anatolian region and the Indian Sub-Continent Sultanate, Mughal and British periods that existed from medieval period through the modern times. The interactions and cultural exchanges throughout the history, particularly betvveen the Turkish people from Ottoman Empire and elsevvhere and the people of the Indian SubContinent have resulted in substantial influence on different aspects of lives in these regions

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@article{2007, title={Evolving Pragmatism In Indo-Turkish Relations: From Cold War To Post-Cold War Period}, number={38}, publisher={The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations}, author={Mujib ALAM}, year={2007}, pages={130–145} }
Mujib ALAM. (2007). Evolving Pragmatism In Indo-Turkish Relations: From Cold War To Post-Cold War Period (pp. 130–145). pp. 130–145. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations.
Mujib ALAM. Evolving Pragmatism In Indo-Turkish Relations: From Cold War To Post-Cold War Period. no. 38, The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, 2007, pp. 130–45.