The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations

The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations

The Transformation of Social Mentality of Economy: Hellas and Turkey

Yazarlar: Christos TEAZİS

Cilt - , Sayı 42 , 2011 , Sayfalar 129 - 152


Anahtar Kelimeler:Hellas Greece ,Turkey,Protestant ethic,Orthodoxy,Islam,West,East,Community

Özet: In western countries the life of a human being is a composition of inevitable circumstances or coincidences. But in Eastern societies the life of a human being is his destiny. This approach to human life in West and East shows two different ways of thinking which undoubtedly, shapes the socio-economic way of thinking of Hellas and Turkey and West‟s too. The thesis of this article, firstly, is to show the diversity of socioeconomic way of thinking of Hellas and Turkey towards the West and secondly, to show the conditions that being transformed into a Protestant way of thinking

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@article{2011, title={The Transformation of Social Mentality of Economy: Hellas and Turkey}, number={42}, publisher={The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations}, author={Christos TEAZİS}, year={2011}, pages={129–152} }
Christos TEAZİS. (2011). The Transformation of Social Mentality of Economy: Hellas and Turkey (pp. 129–152). pp. 129–152. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations.
Christos TEAZİS. The Transformation of Social Mentality of Economy: Hellas and Turkey. no. 42, The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, 2011, pp. 129–52.