The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations

The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations

Temel Hak ve Özgürlükler Bağlamında Atipik Örgütlenmeler

Yazarlar: Ali Erdem DOĞANOĞLU

Cilt - , Sayı 47 , 2016 , Sayfalar 79 - 104



Anahtar Kelimeler:Fundamental rights and freedoms,Freedom of association,Freedom of communication,Atypical organizations

Özet: In the field of civil organizations, there are atypical organizations such as platform, initiative, movement, congress, board, solidarity and unity that do not correspond to the typical forms of remuneration such as trade unions, political parties and associations which are directly regulated by the constitution or the provisions of laws. Especially the difficulties of establishing processes related to typical organizations and the advantages of expanding and diversifying communication facilities are increasing both the number and the variety of the atypical organizations. The emergence and dissemination of atypical organizations reveals the need for legal characterisation of such organizations and therefore the need to work on this issue in the field of law. In this article, it is aimed to show what is understood from the concept of "atypical organization" within the context of "typical - atypical" distinction and to contribute to the determination of legal status of atypical organizations in the field of constitutional law and fundamental rights and freedoms. The main question on the issue of determining the legal status of atypical organizations is whether atypical forms of organizing will be considered to have constitutional protection. The main argumentation is based on this question

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Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2016, title={Temel Hak ve Özgürlükler Bağlamında Atipik Örgütlenmeler}, number={47}, publisher={The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations}, author={Ali Erdem DOĞANOĞLU}, year={2016}, pages={79–104} }
Ali Erdem DOĞANOĞLU. (2016). Temel Hak ve Özgürlükler Bağlamında Atipik Örgütlenmeler (pp. 79–104). pp. 79–104. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations.
Ali Erdem DOĞANOĞLU. Temel Hak ve Özgürlükler Bağlamında Atipik Örgütlenmeler. no. 47, The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, 2016, pp. 79–104.