The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations

The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations

Çin'in Enerji Güvenliğinin İran ile İlişkilerine Etkisi

Yazarlar: Emine ALAGÖZ AKÇADAĞ

Cilt - , Sayı 47 , 2016 , Sayfalar 59 - 78



Anahtar Kelimeler:China,Energy,Energy security,Iran,Oil

Özet: Energy security is an integral part of national security of China, which needs to satisfy its constantly increasing demand for energy in order to sustain its economic growth, main driver of China’s current position in the international arena. Therefore China’s energy security concerns are inevitably reflected in its foreign policy and foreign relations. One of the most concrete examples of this reflection is the Sino-Iranian relations. It is crucial to understand Iran’s role in China's energy security in order to analyze current relations between the two countries. Within this framework, China’s relations with Iran will be examined using the four As of energy security availability, affordability, accessibility and acceptability . It will be emphasized that China’s energy security concern shapes Beijing’s foreign policy approach toward Tehran and makes Iran an important trading partner for China

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@article{2016, title={Çin’in Enerji Güvenliğinin İran ile İlişkilerine Etkisi}, number={47}, publisher={The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations}, author={Emine ALAGÖZ AKÇADAĞ}, year={2016}, pages={59–78} }
Emine ALAGÖZ AKÇADAĞ. (2016). Çin’in Enerji Güvenliğinin İran ile İlişkilerine Etkisi (pp. 59–78). pp. 59–78. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations.
Emine ALAGÖZ AKÇADAĞ. Çin’in Enerji Güvenliğinin İran Ile İlişkilerine Etkisi. no. 47, The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, 2016, pp. 59–78.