The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations

The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations

Bağlantısızlıktan Bağımlılığa: Nasır Döneminde Mısır-SSCB İlişkileri

Yazarlar: Gökhan ERDEM

Cilt - , Sayı 48 , 2017 , Sayfalar 69 - 98



Anahtar Kelimeler:Cold War,Middle East,Egypt,The USSR,Nasser

Özet: In this article, in the Middle East, which became the center of instability after World War II, how relations between the USSR and Egypt which is one of the leading representatives of the Third World movement, developed during the Gamal Abdulnasser period had discussed. The relations between two countries had started with the arms treaty which was signed in 1955 during the Cold War period. Whilst the relationship was developing rapidly, also it was very benefıcial for both sides. In terms of interests of these countries, the USSR which wanted to be effective in the region by breaking the US’ containment policy, while Egypt was seeking military and economic aid. On the other hand, while the USSR affects the region through Egypt, the USSR support provided an infrastructure that would allow Nasser to implement his Pan-Arabist policies. Egypt and the USSR successfully maintained positive relations though their ideological differences and even if these differences sometimes played a negative role upon the relations between these countries. Yet, throughout the 1960s, the Soviet influence in Egypt grew tremendously, and with the great destruction created by the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Egypt became much more dependent to the USSR after this war

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@article{2017, title={Bağlantısızlıktan Bağımlılığa: Nasır Döneminde Mısır-SSCB İlişkileri}, number={48}, publisher={The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations}, author={Gökhan ERDEM}, year={2017}, pages={69–98} }
Gökhan ERDEM. (2017). Bağlantısızlıktan Bağımlılığa: Nasır Döneminde Mısır-SSCB İlişkileri (pp. 69–98). pp. 69–98. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations.
Gökhan ERDEM. Bağlantısızlıktan Bağımlılığa: Nasır Döneminde Mısır-SSCB İlişkileri. no. 48, The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, 2017, pp. 69–98.