Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues

Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues

Economic growth at regional level and innovation: Is there any link?

Yazarlar: Georgeta Grigore Nae, Corina Grigore

Cilt 4 , Sayı 1 , 2014 , Sayfalar -


Anahtar Kelimeler:Economic development,Regional growth,Innovation,Regional innovation system  

Özet: The role of innovation on growth has been analysed to some extent and has been relying mostly on research findings undertaken in developed countries. The aim of this paper is to analyse whether innovation has any role at regional level for potentially explaining the variations in growth among regions, particularly in developing countries. The paper draws upon previous work and to undertake the research, data available from the Enterprise Survey was used to test the potential impact of innovation on economic growth at regional level. The results showed that innovation affects growth using a sample for Romania. This study can constitute the basis for understanding the concept of innovation in relation to regional economic growth and further research in Romania and beyond.

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@article{2014, title={Economic growth at regional level and innovation: Is there any link?}, volume={4}, number={0}, publisher={Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues}, author={Georgeta Grigore Nae, Corina Grigore}, year={2014} }
Georgeta Grigore Nae, Corina Grigore. (2014). Economic growth at regional level and innovation: Is there any link? (Vol. 4). Vol. 4. Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues.
Georgeta Grigore Nae, Corina Grigore. Economic Growth at Regional Level and Innovation: Is There Any Link? no. 0, Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues, 2014.