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Yazarlar: Selim ADALI
Anahtar Kelimeler:Hebrew Bible,Isaiah,Genesis,Literary Allusion,Meshech
Özet: This paper seeks to interpret a unique gentilic in the Book of Isaiah. Placed with what in redactional methodology is referred to as Trito-Isaiah, Isaiah 66:19 lists several names of nations and among them is a certain Môšḵê qešet, translated as "Meshech of the bow". Meshech is a reference to Phrygia between Lydia and Tubal/Tabal in Central Anatolia. Although the term bow may be assumed for Meshech, it is not something specific to them in ancient Near Eastern, ancient Greek or Hebrew Bible tradition. The referece to the "bow" in Isaiah 66:19 can be understood as a marker for a literary allusion to Genesis 9:13. The use of another marker in the Masoretic text, the word "sign" (ôt) in both Isaiah 66:19 and Genesis 9:13 further strengthens this interpretation.