Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi
Yazarlar: İsmail POYRAZ, Emel SÖZEN
Anahtar Kelimeler:MAPKs,Signal transduction,Plants.
Özet: Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades play roles in signal transduction of eukaryotes, includingyeasts, animals and plants. MAPKs are encoded by a large family of serine:threonine protein kinases. DistinctMAPK pathways (MAPK, MAPKK, MAPKKK) are regulated by different extracellular stimuli and lead to acellular response by transducing the signals to the relevant metabolic pathways. Because of their sessile habit,plants are exposed to a variety of environmental stresses, such as changes in temperature, drought, radiationand wind. In plants there is evidence for MAPKs playing a role in the signaling of abiotic stresses, pathogensand plant hormones. Molecular and biochemical studies using specifi c antibodies to particular MAPKs haverevealed that MAPK activation correlates with stimulatory treatments such as pathogen infection, wounding, lowtemperature, drought, hyper- and hypo-osmolarity, high salinity, touch, and reactive oxygen species. It is knownthat there are numerous of plant MAPK enzymes proportional to the diversity of stimuli. Although studies havebeen undertaken intensively on the plant MAPK pathways, working mechanisms of many MAPK enzymes needto be elucidated.