Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi
Yazarlar: Mustafa YILMAZ, Rıza AVCIOĞLU, Ali SALMAN, A. Cenap CEVHERİ
Anahtar Kelimeler:Yeşil alanlar,Yeşil alan sorunları,Çözüm önerileri.
Özet: In this study, essential questions and solutions in turf management practices encountered in Turkey were discussed. It is a fact thatturf culture gained significance in the country during recent years. However, there are many handycaps in turf establishment andmanagement activities in this sector. Since the proper techniques are not imposed during turf studies, turf areas are lost in a very shortperiod of time deteriorated. Main problems are; lack of experienced stuff, lack of infrastructure, effect of different ecologies, failures ingenus and species preferences, over use of seed supplies, lack of high quality seed sources, lack of maintanence measures.
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