Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi

Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi

Şiddet ve Zorbalığı Önleme Modeli Olarak Abuluculuk Eğitimleri

Yazarlar: Güliz KOLBURAN

Cilt 2 , Sayı 3 , 2016 , Sayfalar 43 - 57


Anahtar Kelimeler:Peer Mediation,Conflict Resolution,Violence

Özet: Aggression always occurs as a threat against social life and humanity, and unfortunately nowadays it continues to increase. Violence has become common among children and young people in schools. We are experiencing the unintended consequences of using violence as a problemsolving method, in recent years frequently. human characteristics. Children are shaping by the society where they live in, during their developmental process. They are also influenced by the environment in terms of both their personal and social development. Improvement of social cognition in societies has an important place in children’s multifaceted development process. Conflict should not be seen as a problem in schools or in any place, unlike it is a part of the solution. Schools should have a positive approach to conflicts. The important thing is to manage conflict in a constructive manner.Peer mediation is a voluntary participation in a structured process by an objective third peer student to facilitate two or more students who are facing a conflict among themselves, to resolve the conflict and reach an agreement. Target of these programs is to make children and young people who will become adults of the future has gain the necessary skills in order to reach “the peace community”. These kinds of programs should be conducted in school-family-environment triangle, and spread over a long process, and should not be terminated without an evaluation to follow up whether those skills gained through the program are internalized and convert into behaviour. Studies about elimination of societal violence are very important for the efforts to reach peace in the whole society. To gain skills in conflict resolution in early childhood is crucial in terms of the internalization of those gains. For this reason, the examples of peer mediation which are planned in schools discussed in this study.AIM: The aim of this study is to highlight the trainings about elimination of using violence in conflict resolution, and to emphasize the importance of these kinds of training again and to give a message for dissemination of studies in this area

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@article{2016, title={Şiddet ve Zorbalığı Önleme Modeli Olarak Abuluculuk Eğitimleri}, volume={2}, number={3}, publisher={Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi}, author={Güliz KOLBURAN}, year={2016}, pages={43–57} }
Güliz KOLBURAN. (2016). Şiddet ve Zorbalığı Önleme Modeli Olarak Abuluculuk Eğitimleri (Vol. 2, pp. 43–57). Vol. 2, pp. 43–57. Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi.
Güliz KOLBURAN. Şiddet ve Zorbalığı Önleme Modeli Olarak Abuluculuk Eğitimleri. no. 3, Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi, 2016, pp. 43–57.