Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi
Yazarlar: Yeşim KORKMAZ, Hatice ÇÖLGEÇEN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Plant tissue culture,Somaclonal variation
Özet: It has been assumed that all the plants regenerate from cells or tissues that are identical with the mother plant. Altough plant regenerationprocess is a factor that exchanges the genetic stability and genetic variation, in the culture genetic diversity is called somaclonal variation.Somaclonal variation is unforeseeable heredity changes. Somaclonal variation is a new source of when natural variation has narrowed orwhen it became difficult to turn out a new variation. It has been recorded that using somaclonal variaton is an important and promisingsource to discover enduring new species and to realise the value of commercial efficiency of some economic plant species.