Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi
Yazarlar: Mustafa AKBULUT, Arzu KARATAŞ, Keziban YAZICI, Nalan BAKOĞLU, Damla TURAN BÜYÜKDİNÇ, Burcu GÖKSU
Anahtar Kelimeler:The Black Sea Region,Horticultural Plants,Potential
Özet: Black sea region with ecological characters, different geographical nature and various agricultural products is the region on which needs tobe done comprehensive studies. The crop production potential of the horticultural plants and their projections show differences in the Black Searegion (West, East, and Middle Black Sea). Moreover tea and hazelnut, which are the economical products, are grown in this region. The BlackSea region has a high production potential with two large platos, covers by Çarşamba and Bafra. In this study, fruit, vegetable and ornamentalplants’ production statement in the Black Sea region was comprehensively evaluated.
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