Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi

Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi

Atatürk ve Matematik

Yazarlar: Adnan MAZMANOĞLU

Cilt 2 , Sayı 4 , 2016 , Sayfalar 43 - 64


Anahtar Kelimeler:Atatürk,Matematics,Geometry,Reason and Science

Özet: Atatürk also emphasized the importance he gave to mathematics at the same time, making important determinations in his speeches about reason and science. We tried to explain from the 8th century to today that the basis of reason and science was based on the mathematical necessity. It has been explained how nations that attach importance to mathematics due to reason and consciousness affected the nations of the world with the scientific level they reached. We have pointed out that those who neglect mathematics, which is the basic foundation of science in particular, can not realize the scientific technological reforms that the west achieved, and eventually they suffered from troubles of this. In particular, we emphasized the reason why Ataturk wrote his work “Geometry”, written by his efforts and zeals in order to avoid the trouble of this

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Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2016, title={Atatürk ve Matematik}, volume={2}, number={4}, publisher={Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi}, author={Adnan MAZMANOĞLU}, year={2016}, pages={43–64} }
Adnan MAZMANOĞLU. (2016). Atatürk ve Matematik (Vol. 2, pp. 43–64). Vol. 2, pp. 43–64. Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi.
Adnan MAZMANOĞLU. Atatürk ve Matematik. no. 4, Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi, 2016, pp. 43–64.