Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi

Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi

İstanbul’un İnanç ve İnanışlarına Panoramik Bir Yaklaşım

Yazarlar: Serdar GÜRÇAY

Cilt 3 , Sayı 1 , 2017 , Sayfalar 35 - 56


Anahtar Kelimeler:Multicultural,Folk Belief,Faith,Istanbul,History

Özet: İstanbul is one of the world’s oldest habitats. In terms of geopolitical location, the city is the conjunctional center point of Europe and Asia. From this point of view it is the cradle of civilizations. As being the heart of today’s Turkish Republic, Istanbul is a bridge of time. A bridge is a route to the purpose, a path, a sentimental destination. Engaging from this idea, it can be said that Istanbul has a perk of combining traditional and modern concepts. Throughout history, the civilizations rose and fall on this city and left their foot prints. For all this reasons Istanbul is like an outdoor museum because of its sociological and artistic characteristics. Istanbul is known to be settled on seven hills, is also a cultural mosaic concerning the museums, bridges, wells, palaces and other historical structures. Its existence can be cased to the prehistory. After the early primitive people of the region, several civilizations blossomed and ruled the land; these are Chalcedons, Thracians, Megarians, Spartans, Athenians, Romans and lastly Turks. Having such a rich history also enriched the traditions and beliefs. The city possessed natural symbolism, Paleo-Balkan belief system, Greek Gods, Christianity and finally Islam. Beside these belief systems Judaism also have been existed. Thousands of years of war taught people to have peace; today each religion and ethnicity is living in harmony also having the equality of belief. Beside all these qualifications, the city is being attended by researchers and artists as a result of its rich history, traditions and faith

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@article{2017, title={İstanbul’un İnanç ve İnanışlarına Panoramik Bir Yaklaşım}, volume={3}, number={1}, publisher={Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi}, author={Serdar GÜRÇAY}, year={2017}, pages={35–56} }
Serdar GÜRÇAY. (2017). İstanbul’un İnanç ve İnanışlarına Panoramik Bir Yaklaşım (Vol. 3, pp. 35–56). Vol. 3, pp. 35–56. Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi.
Serdar GÜRÇAY. İstanbul’un İnanç ve İnanışlarına Panoramik Bir Yaklaşım. no. 1, Aydın İnsan ve Toplum Dergisi, 2017, pp. 35–56.