Uluslararası Tarım Araştırmalarında Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar Dergisi
Yazarlar: Review articles
Anahtar Kelimeler:CLCuV,Gossypium hirsutum,Bemisia tabac,Cotton,Pakistan
Özet: Cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) in Pakistan is the most serious threat to cotton crops of last two decades. This diseases causes a huge losses not only to the cotton crops but also the economy of Pakistan is under threat. This problem of Cotton Leaf Curl Disease (CLCuD) is still under discussion among the researchers since it first appeared in 1967 and in 1992-93, it came in epidemic form. The dilemma of CLCuD caused decline in the yield down to 9.05 million bales and 8.04 million bales in 1993-94 in Pakistan. For developing resistant cultivars against the virus to screen against CLCuD, different disease inducing methods such as grafting, delayed sowing and whitefly mediated transfer are used. The epidemiology of diseases is changed by abiotic factors specifically temperature and plant age. Management of CLCuD is the only option that can command the disease in various ways inclusive of change in sowing dates, crop nutrition, cultural practices, vector control, buffer crops and systemic poisoning of cotton seed by seed treatment will make the cotton crop safe in initial 40-50 days after sowing. Biotechnology can also help in controlling this disease through transcriptional gene silencing. By using biotechnological tools broad spectrum resistance can be introduced against all viruses present in the field.