Uluslararası Tarım Araştırmalarında Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar Dergisi
Yazarlar: Valentin Kosev, Viliana Vasileva , Yalçın Kaya
Anahtar Kelimeler:Genotype,Selection value,Stability,Vetch
Özet: Eight winter vetch varieties (BGE004222, BGE001847, BGE000637, BGE001076, BGE000639, BGE000643, BGE001383 and Asko 1) were assessed by plant height, fresh leaf weight, fresh stem weight and nodule number per plant in field trial in the Institute of Forage Crops, Pleven, Bulgaria. The varieties are characterised by low general adaptive ability and average specific adaptive ability on the investigated signs. With the highest general adaptive ability by fresh leaf weight is distinguished BGE000643, by number of nodules per plant BGE004222 and BGE001383, and by plant height - BGE001847 and BGE000637, respectively. By the complex indicator selection value of the genotype, taking into account the general adaptive ability and stability, the signs fresh leaf weight and fresh stem weight the best was found BGE001383 variety. According to the number of nodules per plant and the indicators of adaptability and stability, the interest represents the variety BGE004222. Based on the aggregate assessment of the varieties, which is based on the average height of the plant and the parameters of adaptability, the most valuable were the varieties BGE001847 and BGE001076. A positive correlation was established between fresh leaf weight and: the specific adaptive ability (r = 0.568), the general adaptive ability (r = 0.099) and the indicator of the stability level of the variety (r = 0.544); and between the number of nodules with the coefficient of linear regression (r = 0.115) and with homeostaticity (r = 0.116).