Yazarlar: Yavuz ARAT, Merve BULANIK
Konular:Mühendislik, Ortak Disiplinler
Anahtar Kelimeler:Anthropometry,Ergonomics,Urban outdoor,Park,Design approach
Özet: Among the urban outdoor spaces; It is an open and / or semi-open space that allows people to socialize and perform many activities such as gathering, resting and having fun. The fact that cities have changed or will be changed many times in parallel with the socio-cultural structure and user needs that have changed throughout history has made the change of these areas inevitable with the cities. These open or semi-open spaces and the equipment used in the areas, which have an impact on the identity of the city as well as the people, should be designed and applied in a way that is suitable for the users, and should be of innovation and quality that will contribute to the aesthetic value of the city. It is thought that these areas, which are formed by prioritizing user wishes and needs, continue to develop by being exposed to many variables from location selection to implementation. In the light of all these approaches, the evaluation of the parks, which are the urban outdoor spaces applied in the new generation, over the user, is considered and three urban parks implemented in the city of Konya have been selected. Among the three parks that have been operating in the city center in Konya in the near term and established within the framework of certain concepts; “Selçuklu Kanyon Park, Meram Millet Bahçesi and 80 Binde Devr-i Âlem Park” will be examined in detail. These selected parks are urban outdoor spaces with environmental impacts and large-scale open, semi-open and closed spaces. The design criteria of the parks, innovative approaches and the suitability of the facilities in the parks according to the ergonomic standards; the project will be examined in the light of visual-written information and observation, photographing and measurements made in the field.
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