UMDE Dini Tetkikler Dergisi

UMDE Dini Tetkikler Dergisi

Hristiyan Şair el-Ahtal Tarafından Ensar’ın Hicvedilmesi

Yazarlar: Sedat TUNA

Cilt 3 , Sayı 1 , 2020 , Sayfalar 23 - 46

Konular:Din Bilimi


Anahtar Kelimeler:Arabic,Umayyad Period,Ansār,Al-Akhtal,Satire

Özet: The Christian poet al-Akhtal whose date of birth is not clearly known, predicted to be born in Hīra or near Rusāfa, and belongs to the famous Christian tribe Beni Taghlib. He lived during the Umayyad period, he was badly affected by his stepmother’s excessive oppressions, who never treated him the same way she treats her own children. Furthermore, the reactions and violence he received from the society because of the fact that he is a Christian pushed him into acridity, drinking and staying in taverns, and his soul into rebellion. There was a rumor that his poetry started with the couplet where he satirized his stepmother. After the poet of tribe Benī Taghlib, Kā’b b. Juayl called him “you are a babbler and a dissolute (Akhtal) person.”, he got more famous with the nickname al-Akhtal. The argument between two poets, while one of which belongs to Ansār and the other to the Umayyad, caused a hostility between two fractions to blaze up. He was invited to the Palace after Kā’b b. Juayl advised the dynasty. After that, he started to lie about Ansār and satirize them and left deep marks in Muslim’s hearts. In this article, the Christian poet al-Akhtal’s bohemian lifestyle, where he defamed the female by writing satirizing poems and lived without caring about moral issues, and infancy and youth part of his life before being famous and the period where he was invited to the palace and satirized Ansār are mentioned.

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@article{2020, title={Hristiyan Şair el-Ahtal Tarafından Ensar’ın Hicvedilmesi}, volume={3}, number={23–46}, publisher={UMDE Dini Tetkikler Dergisi}, author={Sedat TUNA}, year={2020} }
Sedat TUNA. (2020). Hristiyan Şair el-Ahtal Tarafından Ensar’ın Hicvedilmesi (Vol. 3). Vol. 3. UMDE Dini Tetkikler Dergisi.
Sedat TUNA. Hristiyan Şair El-Ahtal Tarafından Ensar’ın Hicvedilmesi. no. 23–46, UMDE Dini Tetkikler Dergisi, 2020.