Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi

Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi

Türkiye'de bugüne kadar tesbit edilen leptospira tipleri

Yazarlar: Hümeyra HEKİMOĞLU

Cilt 1 , Sayı 2 , 1960 , Sayfalar 87 - 97

Konular:Veteriner Hekimlik

Anahtar Kelimeler:Leptospira

Özet: It is now found out through histopathological, bacteriological and serological researches which have been conducted since 1950 in our country that icterohaemoglobinuriae, extensively encountered amongst Turkish cattle, sheep and goats with large numbers of ca- sualities to its credit, is a leptospirosis produced by L. grippotyphosa type of infection. In the infection's acute form patients have been observed as having high fever, icterus and blood- stained urine, w hile in its chronic forms skin deterioration and cachexia are noticed. On the other hand, in several abortus cases giving negative results in search for brusellosis and vibriosis, blood - serums of mothers have been observed as carrying (containing) anticores at high tithers, against this infection Presence of these three types of infection within Turkey was proved for the first time in 1954 when a L. grippotyphosa strain from infected cattle and goats, a L. canicola strain from an infected dog and a L. icterohaemorrhagiae strain, weak in viruses, from sewage water were isolated. Serological researches with normal serums have verified the existence of L. grippotyphosa in cattle, sheep and goat serums and of L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. canicola and L. grip- potyphosa anticeres in horse serums. In our work in this field one human serum (infected by icterus), five infected (swollen muscles) cattle serums, 25 aborted- sheep se- rums and one cow serum, plus 207 normal cattle serums were tested for ten different Leptospira strains (L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. ca- nicola, L. pomona, L. mitis, · L. sejroe, L. saxkoebing, L. austra- Jis, L. autommnalis, L. bataviae, and L. grippotyphosa) giving the following results : 1. In human serum with violent icterus infection L. icterohaemorr- hagiae anticeres at 1/ 6400 tithers were spotted, 2. Blood serums of five sick cattle (having swollen legs and gro- wing lameness) were twice tested by agglutination-Lysis me- that at four-week intervals and whereas L. wolfii anticeres have been spotted during the first test, the second test indicated a decrease in the tithers of such anticores as against an increase in the tithers o fL. saxkoebing type anticores, thus giving us to un- derstand that the infection was caused by L. saxkoebing type. 3. In th eserums of two merino sheep, out of 25 abortive cınes, L. bataviae anticeres at 1/ 100 and 1/ 400 tithers were observed. One of these two sheep died three days after the test and otopsy re- vealed peritonitis .. 4. In aborted-cow serum No. 45874 L. australis anticeres at 1/800 tithers were spotted and investigation revealed the fact that that particular cow was imported from the USA a short while ago. 5. İn normal cattle serums, ou tof 201 tested, anticeres of the type L. saxkoebing and L. mitis were encountered. Serologiacl tests carried in this country up to now thus indicate the presence of latent L. grippotphosa in primary and those of L. saxkoebing, L. mitis, L. bataviae and L. australis in second importance. But an infection caused only by grippotyphosa and saxkoebing types of leptospirosis has been observed amongst Turkish animals.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{1960, title={Türkiye’de bugüne kadar tesbit edilen leptospira tipleri}, volume={1}, number={2}, publisher={Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi}, author={Hümeyra HEKİMOĞLU}, year={1960}, pages={87–97} }
Hümeyra HEKİMOĞLU. (1960). Türkiye’de bugüne kadar tesbit edilen leptospira tipleri (Vol. 1, pp. 87–97). Vol. 1, pp. 87–97. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi.
Hümeyra HEKİMOĞLU. Türkiye’de Bugüne Kadar Tesbit Edilen Leptospira Tipleri. no. 2, Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 1960, pp. 87–97.