Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi
Yazarlar: Kemal AKAT
Konular:Veteriner Hekimlik
Anahtar Kelimeler:Newcastle,Newcastle Virusunun Vaksinan ve Antijenik Değeri
Özet: The HA titer of a newcastle disease strain izolated from a dead hen by this laboratory in Turkey has 320 and LD50 in embryos was 109,22 in 0,2 ml. All results of the titration were obtained after 3th. passage of the strain in embryonated hen egg and the amnio- allantoic liquid was used in the test. The virus suspension w as ihactivated separately using a) 1/3000 B- propiolactone, and b) 2,5 ml. of 10 % commertial formaline for 30 ml. of virus suspension. W e used two kinds of Al(OH)3 gels;; a): imported from Danmark and kept at room temparature for more than two years, b) produced here in the Food-and- Mouth Disease Laboratory, from aluminium. ,potassium sulfate. Using each Al(OH)3 gel with virus suspension inactivated by using two inactivating chemicals mentioned above, we prepared 4 different batches of vaccine. The antigenic and immunizing capasity of those vaccines were tested on 15 and 35 old chicks. The results obtained are as follows : 1 - İn both 15 and 35 day old chich which were vaccinated with the vaccine inactivated by using B- propiolactone, the Hİ iiter increased in a short time and the animals resisted to the challenge . . 2 - The both · aged chickens which were vaccinated with the vaccine prepar.ed with Al (OHh imported from Danmark showed less iii titer an_d.less resisted .. to the challenge than chiks which vaccinated · with the vaccine prepared with Aluminiuro hydroxyde produce in the Foot and Mouth Disease Laboratory here. 3 - In both aged· chickens which were vaccinated with the vacchıe 1nactivated with-formaline, the resistance to the challenge w as lower' in 15 day old chicks than in 35 day old chicks; but it was not so with the vaccine ihactivated witiı B - propiolactone: · 4 It was not observed· any clear difference in Hİ titer, and resistance to the challenge in the animals which were revaccinated after one month of the first vaccination. This shows that the native pathogenic. newcastle disease strain is highly antigenic and immunuzing.