Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi

Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi

Newcastle Hastalığına Karşı Burun - Göz Yolu ile Tatbik Edilen Aşı Üzerinde Denemeler

Yazarlar: Mükerrem GÜLEY, Kemal AKAT, Ahmet SİPAHIOGLU

Cilt 1 , Sayı 3 , 1961 , Sayfalar 189 - 195

Konular:Veteriner Hekimlik

Anahtar Kelimeler:Newcastle

Özet: Newcastle vaccine was prepared from Komarov's strain. The experiments, this vaccine was applied by the intra - ocular and intranasal routes of 48 hour and 21 day old chicks which were from immunized with Newcastle disease vaccine The vaccine virus of Newcastle disease was diluted as 1 %, 10 %, 20 %, 30 %,40%,50 % using Kaschula's solution (Formula: Glycerine + ı /8000 Sol. of crystal violet). Forty- eight hour old chiks were devided into 6 groups so that each group contained 15 chicks. Also, the same procedure was followed with the 2ı days old chicks. With each dilution of vaccine, one group from 48 hour and one group from 2ı day old chicks were inoculated with 0,05 ml. by intraocular and intra-nasal routes. To both groups control chicks were added. The results of the experiments were as follows : 1 - It was found that 48 hour and 2ı day old chicks which received 0,05 ml. of ı % vaccine virus, There were no Hİ anti- bodies and after challenging they all died. 2 - a) In the 48 hour old chicks, the immunity had started on the fourth day of the vaccination and lasted for about 3 months. b) However in the 2ı day old chicks, the immunity started on the forth day of the vaccination and lasted 4 months. 3 - Forty .- eight old chicks were revaccinated by parenteral route using Iive Newcastle disease vaccine 3 months from the first vaecination and 21 day old ehieks were revaeeinated 3,5 months from the first vaecination. Twelve day after revaeeination, blood samples from all ehieks were drawn for the HI test and they were ehallenged with a pathogenie Neweastle disease virus. In all ehieks, it was found that the titer of the HI antibodies inereased immediately and they were resistant to ehallenge. 4 - Ten % and 30 % dilutions of this vaeeine were kept at 37° C, 18-22° C. and + 4° C. Time to time, their haemagglutinating ability and the infeetivity for ebieken embryos were tested. It was shown that the HA titer and the original infeetivity for ebieken embryos of both dilutions of the vaeei;ı'ıe virus persisted for 2,5 months at 37° C, 4 months at 18- 22° C. and 9 months at + 4° C.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{1961, title={Newcastle Hastalığına Karşı Burun - Göz Yolu ile Tatbik Edilen Aşı Üzerinde Denemeler}, volume={1}, number={3}, publisher={Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi}, author={Mükerrem GÜLEY,Kemal AKAT,Ahmet SİPAHIOGLU}, year={1961}, pages={189–195} }
Mükerrem GÜLEY,Kemal AKAT,Ahmet SİPAHIOGLU. (1961). Newcastle Hastalığına Karşı Burun - Göz Yolu ile Tatbik Edilen Aşı Üzerinde Denemeler (Vol. 1, pp. 189–195). Vol. 1, pp. 189–195. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi.
Mükerrem GÜLEY,Kemal AKAT,Ahmet SİPAHIOGLU. Newcastle Hastalığına Karşı Burun - Göz Yolu Ile Tatbik Edilen Aşı Üzerinde Denemeler. no. 3, Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 1961, pp. 189–95.