Journal of Turkish Science Education
Anahtar Kelimeler:Local Wisdom ,Science Learning ,Indigenous Science ,Conservation
Özet: The implementation of local wisdom-based science learning model through reconstruction of indigenous science is hoped to improve student’s conservationist character. Through this model, student will be familiarized with science and local wisdom to improve their existing conservationist characters. Characters measured in this study were religiousness, tolerance, politeness, responsibility, and patriotism. Purpose of this study was to know the result of indigenous science reconstruction through implementation of local wisdom-based science learning model, and the effect on student’s conservationist character. This is a descriptive research. Result of the study is reconstructed indigenous science of Samin tribe who has high respect toward conservation value, especially land conservation. The use of local wisdom-based science learning model through reconstruction of indigenous science is proved to improve student’s conservationist character from low to good visibility.