Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Bingol,Apricot,Phenology,Ecology
Özet: In this study, some of the standart fresh apricot cultivars grown in ecological condition Bingol, with an annual growth phenological observations were examined. 4×4 system is used for the research and training in the garden with planting ‘Ninfa’ for 6, ‘Şekerpare’ and ‘Tokaloğlu/Erzincan’ cultivars and 4 tree were used in the study. The trees were observed 7 times with a 15-days intervals. Shoot lengths of the trees ranged from 225.0 cm (H6-3) and 29.8 cm (H6-6) and their diameters from 16.2 mm (H6-3) and 8 mm (H1-1). The highest diameter increased was observed in H6-6 with 28.9 cm and the lowest in H1-5 with 11.4 cm. ‘Ninfa’ reached the full bloom stage on April 26-29, ‘Şekerpare’ on April 26-May 1 and ‘Tokaloğlu/Erzincan’ April 28-May 3.