Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
Yazarlar: Ömer SÖZEN, Hüseyin ÖZÇELİK, Hatice BOZOĞLU
Anahtar Kelimeler:Middle Black Sea Region,Biodiversity,Morphological Variability,Cluster,Breeding
Özet: Different geographical structure and climatic diversity in the Middle Black Sea Region has enriched the biodiversity of dry beans and allowed the collection of morphologically different local bean populations of dry bean. The goal of this study is to collect and determine morphological characteristics of 54 local beans variability’s from the provinces 14 districts and 41 village of Samsun, Tokat, Amasya and Çorum in the Middle Black Sea Region. In order to determine the morphological varieties, characterized bean populations were established according to Cluster analysis. 68 features in PCA (Principal Component Analysis) and Cluster analysis were taken into account, at the genotypes of beans were collected in 14 groups. Fourteen groups analyzed; Group N with the 12 genotypes has been more genotypes, Groups A, J, K and M has been found 2 of each genotype that the groups having at least genotypes. Genotypes that as a result of PCA and Cluster analysis of both qualitative as well as quantitative variation in the definitions of properties carried can be taken into the variety development and breeding works have been revealed.
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